Songs of Consonants is a cycle of four songs for soprano voice and piano based on texts by the composer available under Songs of Consonants (2001).
The song cycle is dedicated to my maternal grandfather, who died a prisoner in World War II, and to my maternal grandmother, who lived on without him. “No greater love…”
The entire song cycle, including texts and music, has been placed into the public domain as of March 18, 2024 by Mark Feezell. It is the Lord’s.
Performers may perform individual songs independently or the entire cycle in sequence (approximately 10 minutes).
The scores and recordings for the individual songs are also available:
MP3 Sample Recordings
These MP3s are from the premiere performance in 2002, posted here by permission of the performers:
Colleen Hughes Mallette, Soprano, High C Diva Performances on FB and The Next Act on Amazon
Mark Stamper, Piano, now residing in New Zealand
1. Goodbye
2. I Will Not Walk Away
3. Strengthenings:
4. Found Jewel:
PDF Score
MusicXML Score File
PLEASE NOTE: When you import this into any music engraving software, it will not look great, but will save you TONS of time if you want to make derivative works, change the keys, etc. Let me know if you want to share your new versions, and I can post them here for others. Contact me directly if you want the full Sibelius music file.
Download the MusicXML (.xml) score file.
Revision History
This is the first version and no revisions/updates have been posted yet.
music, classical, compositions by Mark Feezell, soprano voice, piano, voice
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