
Headshot of Mark Feezell

Hi! I’m Mark.

I was born in San Antonio and teach Music Theory at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. I earned a Ph.D. in Music Composition from the University of North Texas in 2003.

As indicated on individual works/pages, almost everything on DrFeezell.com is in the public domain under the Creative Commons 0 1.0 license (here) and may be freely copied, modified, distributed, and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

I have many more things I’m working to release here. If you are blessed by this site and want to colabor in this work for the Lord, you can send a donation via Paypal, become a Patreon supporter, or just share DrFeezell.com with your friends.

For more about why everything is public domain here, see copy.church/free and SellingJesus.org.