Poetry Collections:
A Thread of Scarlet (2024)
Songs of the Islands (2005)
Dawn Will Break (2002)
Songs of Consonants (2001)
Songs of Youth (1998)
Parting Strengthens Poetry (1996)
Uncollected poems
2. Haleakala
From Songs of the Islands (2005) A gift of years: one small seed.Winds from other shorestossed down,and zephyrs buried life beneath dust.Waiting there, eagerness sprouts from barrenness,choice from indecision,boldness from the fleeting fearof… Read more…
3. All the Fish I Saw One Day
From Songs of the Islands (2005) These are all the fish I saw one daywhen I snorkeled Hanauma Bay:Bonefish, milkfish, manybar goatfish,bird wrasse, saddle wrasse, yellowfin surgeonfish,convict tang, Achilles tang, redlip parrotfish,moorish idol,… Read more…
4. Kilauea
From Songs of the Islands (2005) We journey on the frozen wavesof roughly hardened, cooled off stoneto find the place where flowing rock, consumed,at once becomes the living ocean.Daring walk across the black,beneath… Read more…
5. Pahoehoe
From Songs of the Islands (2005) But Yahweh sees all the stars behind the clouds.Piercing bright, He is the fire in waters above and waters below,and that death He buries within His heartburns… Read more…